Few people go through life without encountering some kind of trauma. Why is trauma relevant in the context of dating? Because trauma can impact how we relate to others, navigate relationships, and understand the world at large. Emotional trauma can cause us to be unreceptive to dating and new relationships. If your last relationship resulted in a certain amount of trauma, dating can be tricky when the distress experienced in bad relationships is easily triggered, making it difficult to feel connected to another person and experience true intimacy. Even if you want to “get out there” and meet someone new, your past trauma can make it difficult. If you have managed to extricate yourself from a bad relationship, appear “fine” and you’re able to function in your daily life, trauma may be hard to recognize or even acknowledge.
For the sake of brevity, trauma is defined as “a stressful event or experience that threatens one’s sense of safety and well-being (emotional and or physical)”. According to Psychology Today, sufferers of long-term trauma may develop emotional disturbances, such as extreme anxiety, anger, sadness, dissociation, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). So, how can you start dating again in a healthy way if you have a history of trauma? What can you do to make it easier on yourself?
“When going through a particularly difficult time in your life, it can be helpful to find healthy ways to overcome the emotional trauma you may have experienced,” according to psychotherapist and trauma expert, Pnina Levin. The good news is, it is possible to heal from trauma. “In many cases, with the right tools and support, your emotional pain can be overcome — allowing you to navigate relationships with confidence and success,” says Levin.
As much as you might resist the idea of processing and working through your stuff, it is so important to self-reflect and have a deeper understanding of who you are and what you are looking for in a partner and in life. If you are exploring how to have a healthy dating experience after trauma, take a moment to listen to Jewish Singles Radio LIVE tonight at 6:30PM on WWDB 860AM. Pnina Levin offers advice on moving past traumatic emotional pain, improving your mental health and overall well-being, and getting back into dating.
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: https://wwdbam.com/shows/jewish-singles/podcasts
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