What’s scarier than dating? The potential nightmare scenarios are endless. The guy you can’t get rid of, the girl who’s binge drinking, the obsessed ex-lover who shows up . . . you get the picture.
Dating disasters can leave you feeling defeated and questioning your ability to find love. Nonetheless — we love hearing about dates gone wrong… except when it happens to you, of course! Maybe it’s because we can relate to those stories ourselves, or because we feel validated sharing our date-from-hell on social media when others respond with reactions like OMG or with a hugging face emoji.
Let’s be honest, the statistical chances of meeting a bad person online are huge. Harassment, unsolicited pictures, money scams, physical and sexual abuse, and in some cases, even murder can happen as a direct result of online dating. Believe it or not, #datinghorrorstory has 73.9 million views on TickTock.
There’s nothing wrong with lightening the weight of your dating mishaps or venting about your burdened heart – – but don’t get sucked into the toxic and negative dating advice on social media. “I feel people’s pain when they are not able to find what they are looking for… singles nowadays ‘appear’ to have more choice than ever before, but have never found it harder to meet a partner, “ says internationally accredited Relationship Expert and Certified Dating Coach Debbie Rivers.
“If things didn’t work out for someone else, their story doesn’t have to be your story…rest assured, you have not missed your chance to find love.” says Rivers.
For all the horror stories out there, there are success stories too! If you’re struggling with dating and feeling like you’re broken, messed up or even unlovable, tune in to our conversation with Debbie Rivers, tonight on Jewish SIngles Radio.
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: https://wwdbam.com/shows/jewish-singles/podcasts
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