Our current economic situation makes no sense:
1. Stocks have been rising like a “soft landing” has already occurred.
2. Gold has been rising like we are in the midst of a major economic crisis.
3. Bonds have been falling like the Federal Reserve has finished cutting interest rates.
4. Real Estate has been rising like interest rate cuts just started.
5. Oil has been falling like demand is reducing due to recession.
6. Natural Gas has been rising like demand is increasing.
No one knows what will happen. Uncertainty typically leads to volatility. Likely, we have a bumpy ride ahead.
We also have one of the most important elections ahead of us to determine the future direction of our country in history.
Most elections have offered little difference between the candidates over most of my lifetime.
We don’t have that problem this time. There are huge differences between Harris and Trump.
Also, this is not just about Trump and Harris. It is about the 5000+ bureaucrats that each candidate will appoint to run the FBI, IRS, DHS, treasury, the military, every cabinet position and every government agency.
We had the highest inflation in a generation during the Biden/Harris administration. Remember, it was always the Biden/Harris administration. Inflation was at historical lows during the Trump administration.
10-20 million, mostly unvetted, illegal aliens have entered our country during the Biden/Harris administration. Illegal aliens were at historical lows during the Trump administration.
The Harris campaign flew Zelenski in on a US military plane to sign bombs in Pennsylvania. Zelenski cancelled elections in his country. His term expired 6 months ago. Is this a democratic leader? No, he is a dictator. Kamala Harris actively supported a dictator and continued war. Trump wants to stop the Ukraine war.
Do you want more government spending, regulations, and control? Many current leaders want more power which gives them more money. They obtain this through control over you.
Do you want another 10-20 million illegal aliens entering our country in the next 4 years? Venezuelan gangs are already taking control of apartment complexes in Aurora, CO. 20,000+ Haitians dumped into a city of 60,000 like Springfield, OH, will destroy that town. The infrastructure cannot handle that influx. What if your community is next?
Do you really want war or peace? If so, vote for Harris, the democrats and RINO’s.
The IRS union, Dick Cheney (often called a war monger by both parties), foreign dictators (Zelenski), the cartels, illegal aliens, and drug dealers support Kamala Harris and democrats. Is that the side you want to be on?
I am for America and American citizens. Make America Great Again is not about Trump. It is about America.
There is likely significant uncertainty and volatility ahead.
Reduce your market risk. Reduce your future tax liability. Increase liquidity. Create positive cash flow on your money.
The good news is this is the best time in 42 years to invest in an annuity or high cash value Your Personal Bank insurance policy. This is a generational opportunity to take advantage of higher returns on insured assets with guarantees.
Dividend rates are clearly on an upward trend due to higher interest rates than the past decade. Even if the Federal Reserve continues to lower rates from their current level, no one expects them to lower to the near zero levels of most of the past decade.
Insurance companies invest heavily in bonds. The bonds they have been purchasing for the last couple of years are far more profitable than the bonds they purchased most of the past decade. This is expected to continue for the next 3-5 years if not longer.
At the same time, borrowing rates are clearly on the decline. If the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates another 2% as they project over the next year or so, positive arbitrage will increase.
Dividend rates are currently about 6% and are expected to increase to about 7% over the next few years.
Borrowing rates using Your Personal Bank policies as collateral are currently about 5-6% and are expected to decrease to about 4-5% in the next year or so.
If you are earning 6-7% dividends on your money, then are charged 4-5% when you borrow, what is your money doing?
You still would gain 2-3% annually on money you accessed to invest in an asset, purchase an item, or pay off an expense.