Ferenc Toth is founder of Your Personal Bank TM. He is passionate about helping people gain control of their money, create tax-favored income, and having access to more funds over their lifetime! Ferenc is a voice for common sense. He cuts through the noise to help us understand how current events affect our money, economy, and our freedom.
The US Labor Department has revised the jobs numbers down nearly every year for over a year. Now the government admits to inflating the jobs numbers by reducing the jobs numbers by up to one million over the past year.
Many American consumers are supplementing their living expenses with debt. Credit card balance is at an all-time high. Credit card defaults are at the highest level since 1991.
A recent Piper Sandler analysis states 2024 looks reminiscent of 1970 and 2021 recession years. The American consumer has more debt and less savings than in 1970 and 2021.
Consumer weakness could lead to a sharper decline than 1970 and 2021, according to Piper Sandler.
The Shiller cyclically-adjusted price-to-earnings ratio (CAPE), is a 10-year rolling average of the 12-month trailing PE ratio.
The CAPE ratio has a remarkable ability to predict future returns. The CAPE ratio predicted the S&P500 returns over the following decade with 90% accuracy between 1995 – 2010, according to an analysis by The American College of Financial Services.
The Shiller CAPE ratio currently predicts annualized returns of about 3% over the next decade.
I believe the economy will get worse before it gets better. We are in for a rough ride.
It would be prudent to protect your assets. Diversify. Reduce your risk. Reduce your tax liability. Increase returns safely. Increase liquidity to take advantage of future opportunities.
You can invest in high cash value Your Personal Bank TM policies that are insured, with guarantees, income tax-free, highly liquid, and likely to increase returns for the next 5-10 years!
Contact Ferenc at yourpersonalbank.com or 866-268-4422 for more info.