Food, Farms, & Chef’s is elated to introduce you to Jerry Edwards, who is the Executive Chef and Owner of Chef’s Expressions at The Manor. Chef Edwards caters to your every dream with his award-winning culinary style, creating a tasting experience that your guests will talk about for years–and you’ll have a lifetime of memories if you travel alongside him as he guides your palate with one of his Wine Suppers.
We then give you an insider’s look into Pressure Canning with author, Angi Schneider. Angi is a Texas native and canning guru, who wrote her book “Pressure Canning for Beginners and Beyond” to aid in your next culinary adventure! If you are looking to extend the fruits of your labor from your home garden, or perhaps your dedication in food prep has you wanting to take it to the next level–this book is for you! It addresses any questions you might have regarding what to buy, how to safely create pressurized canning, and some of Angi Schneider’s favorite recipe ideas.
Lastly, Gene, Kevin, and Amaris are bringing you to some of the places we enjoy with our inaugural “Where We’re Eating” adventures. Once a month, we will talk about where we’ve been, and all the delicious details, so you can go there too! And we would love to hear from some of the places you’ve been to as well–so if you email us at we might choose your dining experience to share on-air during next month’s “Where We’re Eating” too!