Join us for a riveting episode of “Project Chaos,” where we delve into the controversial and often untold tales of military history and policy. This episode, “War is a Racket,” shines a spotlight on the legendary Marine General Smedley Butler, a man who dared to challenge the status quo and expose the war machinery’s business side. His story is as relevant today as it was over a century ago.
We’ll also explore the current discourse in the military’s upper echelons, with growing dissent among the ranks against recent policy changes. We delve into the controversial ‘Force Design 2030′ plan and its implications for the Marines’ future role. Could this plan be a turning point for the Marines, or is it a sign of deeper issues within our military structure?
But that’s not all, expect a deep dive into the story of Lt. Col Stuart Scheller, a modern-day echo of General Butler, who is making waves for standing up for what he believes in, regardless of the consequences.
Get ready for an hour of thought-provoking discussions, historical insights, and captivating stories that will leave you questioning what you thought you knew about our military. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!
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