On the debut of The Reboot Radio Hour with Steve O, co-host Joe Dougherty introduces Steve O, the founder of Reboot Integrative Wellness Center.
STEVE O is the founder of Reboot Integrative Wellness Center, Steve is a licensed acupuncturist, physical therapist, and board-certified wound care specialist. He has been in clinical practice for over a decade and has developed an extensive knowledge of various treatment approaches to a variety of ailments.
The model of rehabilitation that Steve envisions is one that bridges the art and science of health & wellness through the harmonious integration of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. In this way, the shift from homeostasis during injury is given a holistic “Reboot” back towards health and harmony.
A graduate of St. Joseph’s Preparatory H.S., Steve obtained his 1 ) Masters of Acupuncture at the Won Institute of Graduate Studies 2) Masters of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware and 3) Bachelor’s degree at New York University. Steve is also board-certified in wound care from the American Academy of Wound Management.