The Allegheny West Show
The Allegheny West Show, hosted by Philadelphia radio veteran Thera Martin, brings you information about small businesses, opportunities for families and individuals for services from city agencies. We’ll talk about voter registration and education, and encourage people to do their civic duty. Health care will often be on the agenda and we’ll help listeners understand the ins and outs of Medicare and Medicaid. We’ll talk about Social Security. We’ll also talk about taking pride in our city and helping to clean up in our community. We’ll talk about economic development and the importance of staying engaged in your neighborhoods and knowing what’s going on!
The Allegheny West Show is sponsored by The Allegheny West Foundation, (AWF), a 501 C-3 nonprofit organization based in the heart of North Philadelphia, working for economic development, working to uplift the community with information about housing, jobs, healthcare, college fairs, educational opportunities, youth summer jobs and more. AWF supports small business owners throughout our service area, most specifically along the official N. 22nd Street business corridor, which runs from 22nd and W. Lehigh Avenue down to 22nd and W. Allegheny Avenue.
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