Here are the top 5 cars to be targeted for catalytic converter theft in Pennsylvania.
To be honest I have driven three of the top five cars in my lifetime.
These makes and models are extremely popular all over the roads especially here in Pennsylvania.
In fact, in June of 2023, a Philadelphia towing company was charged with a catalytic converter theft ring. released this list of the top 10 cars targeted in all regions of the United States.
Why do thieves target catalytic converters?
Well, the metals in the anti-pollution devices – namely, platinum, palladium, and rhodium can be valuable. At the time of publishing, platinum was trading at $909 per ounce! Thieves can make $50-300 for a traditional fuel vehicle and sometimes four times that for a hybrid vehicle.
So what can you do to keep your car safe?
It’s the little things like parking in a well-lit area, knowing your surroundings, or parking in your garage (if you have one). Motion sensor cameras or doorbell cameras are an extra step you can take. If you want to take it a step further, suggests having a “muffler shop etch your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the converter and spray it with highly visible, high-heat paint.”
How do you know if a thief lifted your catalytic converter?
You will know right away because your car will be really loud. If you think it has been stolen have your car looked at immediately – it is not good for your car to drive without one.
Obviously, if you think your catalytic converter has been stolen call the police, then check your insurance policy.
Lawmakers are even stepping in to make it harder and less lucrative for thieves to target catalytic converters.