From The Parkinson’s Coucil, Wendy R. Lewis, MNPL, Executive Director, and Scott Larson, Board Member and person living with Parkinson’s, discussed the chronic disease that affects approximately 1.5 million Americans. We discussed how it begins when the brain stops producing dopamine, its many varied symptoms, including – but not limited to – speech problems, tremors, an unnatural arm swing and general slowness, and the difficulties in getting a diagnosis when symptoms mimic aging. They noted that there is no actual link to genetics or ethnicity, it is most common in caucasian men in their 60s and there could be an environmental link, and, with our aging population, the numbers will grow. Scott noted that his mother and uncle were both diagnosed with the disease. We talked about the programming and research funded by The Parkinson’s Council, services and research that stay in the region. This year’s major fundraiser, STAMP OUT PARKINSON’S will be a virtual event called ‘Together We Can Do Virtually Anything’ on October 17th, they ask us to join the cause and form a team. Register online to help support their work in helping people LIVE with Parkinson’s.
For more information, or to join STAMP OUT PARKINSON’S on October 17th, visit The Parkinson Council at