Think you don’t like poetry? Think again. Harriet Levin channels the poignant often stormy life of artist Eva Hesse in a brilliant and unforgettable new book of poems entitled My Oceanography. More than that, Harriet takes us into the world of poetry, such that you’ll be wanting more and more. Then, Filmadelphia author Irv Slifkin sheds new light on the movies – – a distinctly musical light – – as he shows the way music influences our enjoyment of the silver screen. Play it, Irv!
For those of you in West Florida, please join me at Temple Beth-El in Fort Myers for a special Shabbat service on Friday evening, February 8. We will have a beautful, meaningful and musical experience together.
Our Valentine’s Day broadcast on February 12 is going to include my favorite love songs performed by my favorite singers, but I’d love – – that’s the operative word for Valentine’s Day – – I’d love to include some of yours as well. So, send me the name of that special song, and perhaps that special someone to whom you’d like to dedicate it. I’m a click away from making that happen. Just write the name of the song and the dedicatee to – – – and still plenty of time to use the US Mail at P.O. Box 2786, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.