In Sarah-Ashley Andrew’s debut show, she is joined by Joe Dougherty and special guest Donna Edmonds. The topic for today’s show is mental health.
Sarah-Ashley’s Bio:
She was born in Philadelphia PA. She studied Mass Communications at Bloomsburg University and later enrolled at Lancaster Bible College, graduating with a Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in Human Services. She holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Counseling from Lincoln University of PA.
In the summer of 2012 Sarah-Ashley received news that her longtime friend committed suicide. Therefore, In 2013, she founded the non-profit organization, Dare 2 Hope which is dedicated to conquering suicide in youth and young adults. To date, Sarah-Ashley’s organization has educated nearly 4500 people on suicide awareness. She has worked with notable celebrities and news networks to spread the message of suicide prevention. Her most recent initiative, iDare2 Be, is a program that educates students on the importance of living mentally well, anger management, and staying true to yourself.
Sarah-Ashley’s great work doesn’t end there. She has also helped to feed over 2500 homeless people in Philadelphia, she has given an ultimate Christmas to over 500 at risk youth. She has received many awards and special recognition from various organizations and institutions across the city. Sarah-Ashley strives to bring hope to hopeless youth and to make Philadelphia a better place through kindness and love.