What a show we had for you the listener today to round out the week on a Feel Good Friday! Once again the early conversation was dominated by the Starbucks incident from last week as the 2 young men spoke out for the 1st time yesterday with GMA generating a lot of reaction this morning. Also garnering attention in the news is the Bill Cosby Re-trial as that looks to be wrapping up next week. Our first guest of the morning was none other then Chris Murray delivering the Murray Report with most of the focus being on the Philadelphia 76ers and their convincing win in game 3 last night vs the Miami Heat. The 8:00 hour brought to you by POWER got off to a zooming start with Anthony Martin, the Founder & Executive Director of Urban Youth Racing, joining the show to discuss the School (www.uyrs.com/urban-youth-racing-school/). To close out not only the show but the week was Wiley Redding and colleagues from People Advancing Reintegration (P.A.R.) (par-recycleworks.org/) came on to discuss their program as well as their goals they hope to achieve an help others.