On today’s show, a special co-host in the studio for Mark & Denise in the Mornings. Reverend Greg Holston sitting in for Mark today! So like all other days, Reverend Holston & Denise broke down the morning headlines. Our first guest to the phone lines was Micah Sims (Executive Director for Common Cause) talking about his take on the Supreme Court nominee. The 8 o’clock hour sponsored by POWER, we had two very special guests in the studio with Reverend Holston & Denise – Laura Madeline & Bryon Miller from Souls Shot Portrait Project https://www.soulsshotportraitproject.org/ http://www.heedinggodscall.org/ The group is made up of artist who are paired with family and friends of gun violence. Their focus is on the humanity of the victim. In the final segment, we welcomed Reverend Robyn Hynicka & Kate Esposito from the Center City for Responsible Development to the phone lines to talk about, simply, the development decisions and plans in and around Center City including affordable housing.