Benjamin Baird researches Islamist activity in Washington DC and state capitals across the country, organizes to counter these efforts, and educates the public, the media, and politicians on the threat posed by Islamist involvement in politics. He is a decorated U.S. Army infantry veteran and frequent contributor to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, The Daily Caller, and other prominent media outlets.
Philippe Nassif is the Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International USA. Before coming to Amnesty, Philippe worked as the executive director at In Defense of Christians in the Middle East where he advocated on behalf of persecuted religious minorities. Before that, he worked at the poverty fighting organization CARE USA, the Obama Presidential Campaign, The White House as part of President Barack Obama’s advance team, and for the Mayor of Houston, Texas.
Philippe received his M.A. in International Conflict Resolution from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX and his B.A in International Relations from the University of St Thomas in Houston, TX.