Beth Krallis, Communications Director for the Delaware County Breast Cancer Coalition, discussed their mission, to empower women by raising their awareness of breast health issues through outreach, education and support services. She discussed how their accomplish their goals through programs including Planting the SEED – Survivorship, Education and Early Detection for women of color and programs for Latina Heritage Month, their mobile screening van which offer no/low cost mammograms and other tests, and their Peer programs linking survivors with women receiving a like diagnosis. She also spoke about the upcoming Quality of Life Study, April 10th at Dover Downs Hotel with panels on treatment, ‘survivorship’ and info for Nurse Navigator who help patients wind their way through treatment options and care, and she noted that Continuing Education credit are available through the workshop. We also discussed the common sense things women – and men – can do to help prevent cases, including exercise, moderation in alcohol consumption and not smoking. Finally, an invitation to attend the annual Lights of Life Gala, this year’s theme, ‘Disco Nights’ with live and silent auctions, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and cocktail, a breast cancer survivor fashion show and dancing. The event will be held Saturday, February 24 at the Dover Downs Hotel in Dover, DE.
For more information about anything discussed, including the gala and the Quality of Life seminar, go to