Michaelina Bendig, Adoption Counselor for Adoptions From the Heart work with caring adults, babies and children to create loving families through adoption. Working with prospective families and individuals and with mothers and fathers near or at birth, they look to create the best outcome for the child and parents. She described their process, C.H.O.I.C.E.S, which starts with communication about the choices in pregnancy, listening to and supporting the mother in coming to the decision best for her, helping her, and the father, discover possible resources to allow them to parent their child or to find a family wanting to adopt. She notes that they treat all clients with respect regardless of race, religion, marital status or sexual orientation or gender identity in creating families. They work with hospitals and child services in placing children and adoptions are open, with birth parents allowed the freedom to interact – or not, with their child. She explained that the agency stays with all of the parties throughout the process and after, with families using them as the conduit for communication. AFTH.org