Shawn Gines, Senior Manager, and Sean Kelly, Community Development Manager, at the American Cancer Society, discussed their community based mission to eliminate cancer through research, education and advocacy. Shawn spoke on the organization’s services, available to anyone who has heard the words, ‘You have cancer.’ In Delaware there will be about 5,870 new cases this year, and every year nearly 9 million people worldwide die from it. The Society funds cutting edge ‘new’ research, funding innovations with ‘seed’ money that could lead to larger studies and grants; their work with the public on reducing our risks of getting a cancer and seeking early treatments, their 24/7 hotline to help with concerns and fears and to aid in finding treatment and with insurance navigation; and, their work to increase funding, health care access and cancer-related policies, such as the T21 Bill, raising the age to buy tobacco products to 21. We spoke about the drop in overall cancer rates and death, while it is increasing among younger people, mostly accountable to diet. They discussed their work to get the word out on risk and resources to vulnerable populations, communities who are resistant to discussion for cultural reasons, or who have been distracted by other health concerns, including the LGBTQ community. Sean discussed the issues that affect the community, including the emphasis on HIV, the high incidence of smoking – socially and as a stress relief, and the lack of coverage before marriage equality laws. He also discussed the lack of communication between health providers and the LGBTQ community, through lack of trust, fear of discrimination or fear of censor. They discussed a new outreach event aimed at young and LGBTQ people, ‘Love, Lipstick and Lashes, Queens for a Cure,’ a drag show March 16th at the Queen Theater featuring performers from across the Delaware Valley and Roxxxy Andrews from RuPaul’s Drag Race . Sean also discussed the now annual Daffodil Days, where you can purchase flowers or bulbs and contribute to the American Cancer Society and its programs. Finally, a call for volunteers for office work, fundraising and annual events.
For more information visit CANCER.ORG
To purchase tickets to Love, Lipstick, Lashes,Queens for a Cure, March 16th at the Queen, go to LOVELIPSTICKLASHES.ORG
To buy daffodils – order NOW – go to DELMARVADAFFODILS.ORG