Hosted by Lora Lewis, Philadelphia Focus introduces you to the people and organizations making a difference in our community, from health and safety issues to education, employment, and even entertainment opportunities. Philadelphia Focus looks for solutions and positive action to make our region a better place to call home.
Kathleen A. Foster, the Robert L. McNeil Jr. Senior Curator of American Art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Matthew Skic, Curator of Exhibitions, at the Museum of the American Revolution discussed the various collections and how they add to the total understanding of the Revolutionary era in Philadelphia, who lived here and how, and the importance of Philadelphia artists and artisans in this period. Ms Foster described how the PMA is now readdressing their depictions of the enslaved, the native Americans and the lives of the common people through interpretations of the makers of held artifacts and additions to their collection of works by non-European artists. Pieces are identified by their makers to give perspective on who and how they were living in the city, and rare portraits of free Black residents are on display. Mr Skic discussed their new exhibit of rare state flags with documents pertaining to the state’s admission to the Union. We also discussed a limited time offer of a $35 admission to both museums.
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