The Ralph Graves Radio Show
The Ralph Graves Radio Show, ‘Mustard Seed Radio,’ is an hour of encouragement found in the statement of Jesus Christ in Matthew 17:20, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move!” Guests from all walks of life and backgrounds, who have overcome perceived insurmountable odds, talk about how they became the success stories they are today.
A show that will encourage right thinking, that should lead to right actions by the citizens.
Pastor Ralph D. Graves Jr
Ralph Graves is a Motivational Speaker, Business Consultant and Author. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been certified by the John Maxwell Team as a Coach, Speaker and Leadership trainer.
Ralph brings storytelling, practicality, and an array of leadership tools to his audience. His keynotes are full of ready to use tips to catapult all in the room to their desired success.
Ralph recognizes the greatness in everyone he meets and uses that greatness to inspire people to strive for that next level in life. He wants to see you at the top and will tell you exactly how to get there!