We’ve been following Kristen’s renovation of a sizeable portion of the first floor of her home. Well, she’s back to talk about the latest advances in the project. Our Horror story today is about a bath botch job that took what seemed like forever at the hands of a lowest-bid contractor. In the College, we learn about A, B and C CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities) from Deborah Olcese, Director of Sales at an Erickson Living community, Ann’s Choice, in Warminster, PA. What Erickson has created on what used to be Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, where the first astronauts trained, is essentially a whole new town for retirees. It’s got everything from several restaurants to a pool, theatre, sporting facilities, indoor walkways to protect against inclement weather, medical facilities,… the works for retirees seeking peace of mind and a place to grow old in style.