Stan and Vicki are joined by Don Beishl of The Conservative Voice and Tim McCarthy of Move The Needle California.
Move the Needle is an organization that is focused on trying to stop the leftist agenda towards socialism and bring back common-sense leadership for our local, state and national elected officials. There is a race to push us hard left and this group is here to fight it every step of the way.
There are many decisions being made by our government that causes great harm to the livelihood of families and businesses, and our mission is to try and educate the people about the issues so an informed decision can be made during the next election, or pounce on an opportunity to hold an elected official accountable.
This a non-profit group that is funded by donations from individuals, families, and businesses, and which falls under the heading of a Super PAC. Donations come from anywhere in the United States that are used to achieve change throughout America back to conservatism.
It is also important to note that when a California laws or proposition passes, other states that traditionally follow California will try and pass them, so it’s important to stop the poor decision making before it gets started. We have listed the core principles that inspire us to keep fighting.