Don and Joanne talk with Senator Mastriano about his initiation of a forensic investigation and State Representative Stephanie Borowicz talks about vaccines and returning to school
Here is a snippet of Senator Mastriano Op-Ed on why he is initiating a forensic investigation:
A forensic investigation of our election results and processes for the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary will go a long way to restore trust in our system. Voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. We should continually look for ways to improve the voting process to ensure every voice is heard.
Today, as Chair of the Intergovernmental Operations Committee, I issued letters to several counties requesting information and materials needed to conduct a forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary.
We have asked these counties to respond by July 31st with a plan to comply. The counties represent different geographical regions of Pennsylvania and differing political makeups. Some are Republican while others are Democrat, which means that this will be a balanced investigation.
The Intergovernmental Operations Committee is a standing committee of the Pennsylvania State Senate with oversight and investigatory responsibilities regarding activities relating to or conducted between two or more governments or levels of government, including the administration of elections across the Commonwealth. As set forth in Pennsylvania Senate Rule 14 (d), each standing committee is empowered with the authority to inspect and investigate the books, records, papers, documents, data, operation, and physical plant of any public agency in this Commonwealth, including county boards of elections.
This is necessary as millions of Pennsylvanians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 General Election. A January poll from Muhlenberg University showed that 40% of Pennsylvania voters are not confident that the results of the 2020 Election accurately………. to read the rest of this op-ed follow this link
Stephanie Borowicz was elected as the first-ever woman to serve and represent the people of the 76th Legislative District in November 2018.
During the 2021-22 session, Stephanie has been appointed to serve on the following House committees: Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Environmental Resources and Energy, Health and Veterans Affairs, and Emergency Preparedness.
Faith, family, patriotism, personal responsibility and a strong work ethic were impressed upon Stephanie at an early age. As a mother, former fourth-grade teacher, and pastor’s wife, Stephanie understands the importance of eliminating wasteful spending, increasing funding for local schools and fighting to reduce taxes for families, seniors, farmers and job creators.
With an uncompromising belief in the original intent of our state and federal constitutions, Stephanie is deeply committed to protecting our God-given rights and freedoms from intrusive government overreach, which includes safeguarding our Second Amendment liberties and protecting the sanctity of all human life.
A graduate of Vanguard University and former president of a nonprofit organization, Stephanie lives in McElhattan with her husband, Jason, and their three sons, Braden, Jacob and Micah.
The 76th Legislative District includes all of Clinton County and the Centre County communities of Benner, Boggs, Burnside, Curtin, Haines, Howard, Liberty, Marion, Miles, Snow Shoe and Union townships and the boroughs of Howard, Milesburg, Snow Shoe and Unionville.