Stefanie Seldin, CEO/President, and Brandon Alcorn, Director of Operations of Rebuilding Together Philadelphia discussed the independent, local affiliate of this national organization, working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize neighborhoods through volunteer resources. We discussed Philadelphia’s aging and poor population and its aging housing, 90% built before 1980. They described how, through Block Builds every April, June and October, they identify a street and renovate multiple homes, helping the residents retain a habitable home. They also discussed their programs for seniors, making home repairs and adding adaptive rails and other supports to allow the owner to stay and age in place and retain the home’s value for the next generation. They described how their renovations and repairs are helping strengthen neighborhood communities. They discussed the program’s reliance on the now 30,000 volunteers who have helped them aid over 1,585 homeowners over the years and asked for volunteers, individuals and groups, and donations of cash and in-kind materials, as renovations and repairs are made at no cost to the homeowner.