Todd Leiss, Traffic Management Coordinator for the State of Pennsylvania, and John Dewese, a tow truck operator injured by a speeding motorist, discussed the dangers emergency crews and responders face while on the job, and their new campaign, MOVE OVER. On average two workers are struck each day, 44 dies in 2019, a number that will probably be surpassed in 2020. After an intense study on accidents involving emergency responders, the state created PENN TIME, the PA Traffic Incident Management effort, to educate the public on what to do when entering a work zone or approaching flashing lights. The campaign reminds all drivers that you must slow down when entering a work or accident scene and always move over for flashing lights of all colors, under penalty of law. They also established a free training course for responders – ambulance and firefighters, tow truck drivers, road crews, and all emergency responders on safety measures they can implement for better safety.
Each state offers tips and educational programming for divers and operators. In PA visit, in New Jersey it’s