I am actually the first guest. In a switcheroo, Jack Brown from Lily the Desert interviews me a second time regarding the 4th edition of my Aloe vera book. (That book is now available FREE with just a $5 shipping and handling fee. LINK). Also, This links to the show when he first interviewed me on the internal use of Aloe vera.
In the second half of the program, Dr. Earl Mindell, the renowned pharmacist and author of the famous Vitamin Bible, today discusses his book, . (Who couldn’t use more happiness?) The negative ion generator that I use is Ionbox. To enter the drawing for a prize package of three different ionbox products, do this: before midnight 09
/02/23, either (1) subscribe to the newsletter or (2) send an email with your street mailing address to info@hbnshow.com and put “contest” in the subject line. (Note, we never share any addresses.)