Thomas E. Levy, MD is a Board-certified cardiologist, a bar-certified attorney and the author of several groundbreaking books. We discuss the serious cardiovascular problems resulting from chronic spike protein due to covid and the vaccines. I ask him for supplement recommendations for cardio health and we also discuss sepsis. He graciously offered to send you the e-book, Hidden Epidemic (about dental threats to the body), if you email him and ask for it ([email protected]). On previous programs we discussed his books: Magnesium: Reversing Disease and Death by Calcium: Proof of the toxic effects of dairy and calcium supplements. Dr. Levy is also one of the world’s leading vitamin C experts and wrote Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins, 3rd Edition. During the pandemic, he kindly told us how to prevent and treat covid (and other upper respiratory diseases) by nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. Details about that procedure are in this short article and the FREE e-book, Rapid Virus Recovery.