Stan is out so Vicki is joined by guest co-host Andy Teitleman talk about the issues surrounding the political landscape of the United States.
Freedom Watch is the only political interest group that speaks through actions, rather than just words. We are dedicated to not only preserving freedom, but redefining its meaning, from protecting our rights to privacy, free speech, civil liberties, and freedom from foreign oil and crooked business, labor and government officials, to protecting our national sovereignty against the incompetent, terrorist state-controlled United Nations, and reestablishing the rule of law in what has become a very corrupt American legal system, where justice is only as good as your lawyer and judge—most of whom are compromised ethically and otherwise.
In the image of John Adams, our second and one of our finest presidents, without ethics, morality, and religion, there will be no lasting freedom. Using these principles, President Ronald Reagan, centuries later, took on the “evil empire” of the Soviet Union and established some freedom even in that communist state. He restored pride and vision to this country in the process.
Our greatest challenge—as we face a deep economic crisis, a government that spends our tax dollars like a drunken sailor, and a new Obama-Clinton regime that is using the economic crisis as an excuse to turn our nation into a socialist Euro-style welfare state—is to remain constant to the principles of our Founding Fathers, not only Adams, but Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others who put their lives on the line for our freedom. Freedom Watch is dedicated to doing just that, with total regard for the rights of all persons, whatever their ethnicity, race, religion, sex or otherwise. By promoting true American values at home and around the world, through actions, frequently with hardhitting legal cases and other means, Freedom Watch will be at the forefront of preserving freedom for our children and grandchildren. We need your help and immediate and strong financial support to succeed in the face of those who would effectively put us in a “straight jacket” by having government control and regulate every aspect of our lives! These people, now in control of our government, worship at the altar of government! We at Freedom Watch worship our freedom, given to us by our creator, with certain unalterable alienable rights! Long live the United States of America and long live our freedom!